



Best Joint Replacement Hospital in Hyderabad

Joint Replacement Center in Hyderabad

Normally, our bodies are designed to provide smooth, pain-free movement. However, joint problems such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or past injuries can cause the bones and cartilage in the joint to wear down, leading to chronic joint pain. This pain is not only uncomfortable but can also severely limit your ability to perform everyday activities and enjoy life to the fullest.

Fortunately, modern medical advancements have made it possible to replace a damaged joint with an artificial one. Joint replacement surgery can effectively relieve stiffness and pain while restoring normal movement, allowing you to regain your quality of life. Individuals suffering from chronic joint pain or loss of function may be candidates for this procedure. However, joint pain doesn’t always require surgery.

As the best joint replacement hospital in Hyderabad, patients receive world-class care with state-of-the-art technology, skilled orthopedic surgeons, and personalized treatment plans. Whether you’re dealing with knee, hip, or shoulder joint issues, the expert team ensures exceptional outcomes and a smooth recovery process. Take the first step toward a pain-free life today!


Doctors will first try other treatments before turning to surgery, including:

  • Medicine
  • Physical therapy
  • Injections
  • Bracing


If non-surgical treatment options have failed, joint replacement surgery may be an option. Most patients who undergo joint replacement surgeries hips are over 55 years of age, but the operation is occasionally performed on younger persons for specific conditions. Circumstances vary, but generally patients are considered for total joint replacement if:

  • Pain is severe enough to restrict not only work and recreation, but also the ordinary activities of daily living
  • Pain is not relieved by conservative treatment like pain medicine, the use of a cane, and restricting activities
  • There is significant stiffness of the hip
  • X-rays show advanced arthritis or other problem


Just as no two patients are alike, no two joint replacements are exactly the same.  That is why at Citi Neuro Centre, our team of expert orthopedic surgeons work closely with the patient from diagnosis through treatment and recovery in order to meet the unique medical and lifestyle needs of each patient.


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