




Friendly & Peaceful Environment
24*7 Emergency Support
Professional And Qualified Staff
Online Doctor Appointment
Proper Treatment For Disable
Health Insurance Facility

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  • The entire hospital is a non smoking zone. Smoking, spitting, chewing of pan or tobacco, and consumption of alcohol are not permitted anywhere on the hospital premises
  • Please help us in maintaining Citi Neuro Centre as a clean facility. Spitting or throwing garbage in the hospital premises is not permitted
  • Mobile phones are not permitted in restricted areas of the hospital such as Intensive care units, MRI room and Operation Theatres
  • Photography is prohibited in hospital premises
  • The hospital security has the right to check your baggage at any time.
  • Patients and visitors are advised not to carry cash or valuables. The hospital is not responsible for any kind of loss.
  • Citi Neuro Centre provides in patient care and emergency services round the clock, through out the year.
  • Outpatient services and selected diagnostic and therapeutic services are generally available only on weekdays.
  • Patients are advised to check the availablity of the required services while visiting on Sundays or other public holidays
  • Emergency department (Casualty) is operational 24 hours a day.
  • Seriously ill patients and patients with injuries are requested to proceed to the Emergency department in the ground floor, rather than waiting in the out patient department.
  • At the emergency department, they would be receive the necessary emergency care, and treating medical team would examine them on a priority basis.
  • Citi Neuro Centre provides ambulance service for transport of sick patients.
  • The ambulance is equipped with specialized life-support equipment for rapid transport, while ensuring expert care, safety and comfort
  • Valet Parking facility is available round the clock at the entrance of the hospital.
  • Wheel chair / stretcher transport facility is available at the main entrance for sick and physically challenged patients.
  • On arrival at Citi Neuro Centre, if you need assistance to transport the patient, please inform our security staff or the Information Desk in the main reception.
  • Information regarding the hospital services and in patients is available at the main reception
  • Front office in charge can be contacted on phone no: 9160019359
  • Out patients consultations are generally available between 9am and 6pm on weekdays.
  • It is recommended that you take a prior appointment for out patient Consultations with our doctors.
  • Appointments can be fixed by calling our appointments number 9494984747.
  • You can also request for an appointment on our webpage www.citineurocentre.com or by email to appointments@citineurocentre.in.
  • Appointments requested through the website or by email will be confirmed by our executive, who will call you or email you with a confirmation.
  • If you are a walk – in and wish to consult a doctor, you will have to wait for some time to meet the doctor as most cases in the OPD arrive with prior appointment
  • Billing for registrations, out patient consultations and investigations is performed at the Out patient billing counter in the main reception.
  • We accept cash, demand drafts & all major credit cards.
  • Reports can be collected from the ground floor central dispatch counter which functions from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. all days except Sunday & Public Holidays
  • There could be occasions where our services are not upto your expectations. Please donot hesitate to register your complaint or drop us some feedback and suggestion. It will only help us serve you better.
  • Suggestions / complaint boxes are available at the reception counters and nursing stations.
  • You can also mail us on feedback@cncmail.in or fill in the relevant form in the contact us page in this website


  • Right to access to Health Care
  • Right to be treated with respect and dignity
  • Right to be informed regarding the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.
  • Right to consent before starting the proposed treatment procedure.
  • Right to choice of care.
  • Right to privacy and confidentiality
  • Right to care of acceptable quality standards.
  • Right to safety and standards security.
  • Right to information on expected costs of treatment.
  • Right to healthy environment.
  • Right to education about the health care needs.
  • Right to voice a complaint.
  • Give your health care providers as much information as you can about your present health, past illness any allergies and any other relevant details.
  • To follow the prescribed treatment plan recommended by those responsible for your care.
  • Provide complete and accurate information including flil name, address and other information.
  • Read all medical forms including consents thoughts prior to signing.
  • Paying your bills promptly as per the hospital policy and keeping in touch with the billing department to know the future expenses of the treatment.
  • Follow the rlies and regliations of Citi Neuro Centre.
  • Treat hospital staff, other patients and visitors with courtesy and respect.
  • Safety of your valuables is at your own risk


  • All patients admitted at CIti Neuro Centre are treated uniformly without regard to race, color, nationality, religion, age, gender, ability or disability or lifestyle
  • The room types available at Citi Neuro Centre are Intensive Care Unit Bed, Single room, Twin sharing, Triple sharing and Cubicle ward. Please note that the total bill may change in accordance to the room chosen.
  • Medical need is the first priority when assigning rooms, so your request for a specific type of room may not always be filled. However, every effort will be made to give you the accommodation you choose.
  • All the rooms have central oxygen & suction connection. All wards have an additional bed for the attendant.
  • Once the treating consultant has recommended admission, the front office staff at the reception will assist you in completing the admission formalities.
  • You will be asked to complete an ‘Admission Form’, confirm the room type and verify who will be responsible for your medical expenses
  • You would need to sign a form, consenting for treatment at our facility. Our staff will generate an In patient case sheet for the patient.
  • In addition, you will be required to make an advance payment. The advance shall be adjusted against the final bill at the time of discharge.
  • Patients of foreign origin are expected to submit their passports/PIO cards failing which the admission of the patients may be denied.
  • You are requested to hand over any cash or valuables to your relatives or attenders before admission into the hospital. The hospital will not assume any responsiblilty for losses during the in-patient stay.
  • Once you arrive at your room, a nurse or coordinator will explain about the facilities in your room.
  • You would need to change your clothes into the hospital dress and your temperature and blood pressure will be checked.
  • If you need to undergo any surgery or other invasive procedure, you will be asked to sign a Consent form in order to give permission to the Hospital to perform the relevant procedure.
  • If you have any questions at any point, please do not hesitate to ask our nurse or discuss with your treating team.
  • While your primary consultant personally handles your treatment, round-the-clock medical cover is provided by duty medical officers. Please inform the nursing station if you need to contact the doctor.
  • Our Nursing staff is highly trained in caring for patients with neurological disorders and dedicated to provide the best nursing care. In case you need to call the nurse, kindly press the Call Bell near the patient’s bed.
  • All medicines and other consumables for the patient will be provided by the In patient Pharmacy of the hospital. No outside medicine or consumables are permitted to be brought into the hospital
  • Patients/relatives are requested not to tip the staff as this is strictly prohibited. Any employee demanding tips should be reported to the Ward Incharge or to the Nursing Superitendant.
  • The Intensive Care Units are equipped with most modern patient monitoring and life support systems.
  • Trained Intensivists are present in the ICUs round the clock.
  • In the interest of the critically ill patients, it is necessary to restrict the number of visitors to intensive care patient areas.
  • Only one attendant per ICU patient is allowed to remain in the ICU waiting areas.
  • Attendants are requested to leave their contact number at the security personnel at the ICU entry while leaving the ICU waiting area
  • Our visiting hours are from 11 am to 12am and 4pm to 6pm on all days
  • At the time of admission you are required to make a deposit, which would be adjusted against your final bill. During your stay in the hospital, interim bills are generated and you are requested to make payments as per the outstanding amount.
  • Payments for the hospital bill can be made in cash and/or by demand drafts and all major credit cards. Payments through Cheques are not accepted.
  • All payments at the time of admission, during the in patient stay and at the time of discharge should be made at the IP billing cashier located in the main reception in the ground floor.
  • Please insist on a computer generated receipt for any payment made.
  • The In patient billing department (Basement – 3) will answer any queries you may have on your in patient bill
  • Your nurse will assist you in the discharge process which may take few hours to complete.
  • The Billing Department will generate the final bill and you are requested to settle the same.
  • After settlement of the bill a ‘Check Out Slip’ will be given to you. This is to be given to your ward secretary/nurse
  • The nurse will hand you over your reports and discharge summary. She will also explain the medications you need to continue after your discharge and any other follow-up instructions.
  • In case you need a medical ambulance to drop you at your home, then please inform your nurse and she will make the necessary arrangement.


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