




Nero Navigation

Neuronavigation is a computer assisted technology that enables neurosurgeons to visualize the anatomy of a patient’s brain or spine during surgery. The navigation system, works much like a GPS system guided by infra-red beams. It helps the surgeon by accurately localising important anatomical structures, such as arteries and nerves, which may not be visible directly even under the microscope.

Navigation can also help make approaches through the skull bone safer, enabling the surgeon to plan the surgery sparing important normal brain structures. In approaches to areas where tumour has altered the normal anatomy, navigation can help the neurosurgeon to operate accurately. Ear, nose, and throat (ENT) surgeons can also use navigation as an aid for nasal, paranasal, and operations involving parts of the hearing mechanism in the inner ear.


The use of neuronavigation provides real time guidance to the neurosurgeons during all stages of the surgery – planning the surgery, performing the surgery and confirming adequacy of surgery (confirming that the tumor is removed completely).

Advantage of use of Neuronavigation:

  • Maximises the precision and efficacy of surgery
  • Minimises the damage to normal structures
  • Increases the safety profile of the surgery
  • Reduces the duration of surgery
  • Enable operation through smaller openings lowering the incidence of wound infections
  • Minimises pain and scarring
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • More patient comfort

Currently, neuronavigation is used primarily for interventions requiring millimetric precision: surgery for brain tumors in complex regions of the brain and skull base, epilepsy surgery, circulatory abnormalities of the cerebrospinal fluid (fluid within the brain), ENT surgeries and certain interventions on the spine.


At Citi Neuro Centre, our neurosurgeons use the most modern Stealth station neuronavigation system which helps in planning a surgical approach to the targeted lesion with precision, confidence and safety, avoiding areas of the brain that directly control function during tumor surgery.


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